
Eye of the Hurricane

Eye of the Hurricane

Life is messy! It can seem impossbile to catch a break, take a breath or even a moment for yourself. This guided meditation will show you how to find calm in the middle of chaos.



"G.R.A.C.E." is a prayer led by the breath, through the experiences of gratitude, release, alignment with your deepest purpose, celebration of your efforts, and evolution and embrace of personal growth and becoming.



"Breath in, Pause, Breath out, Pause"  is a meditative, soothing form of breathwork that allows you to access deep stillness and quiet.  I think of it as an experience of weightlessness, anitgravity, and depth.


As Featured on About Meditation with Morgan Dix

Menopause and Meditation: Everything You Need to Know

As Featured on Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils with Dr. Mariza Snyder

How to Prepare for a Graceful Transition Into Menopause

As Featured on Menopause Morph

The Secret to Being a Superwoman in Menopause

As Featured on the Bountiful Energy Now Series

Bountiful Energy After 50


As Featured on About Meditation with Morgan Dix

Menopause and Meditation: Everything You Need to Know

As Featured on About Meditation with Morgan Dix

Menopause and Meditation: Everything You Need to Know

As Featured on Menopause Morph

The Secret to Being a Superwoman in Menopause

As Featured on Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils with Dr. Mariza Snyder

How to Prepare for a Graceful Transition Into Menopause