The Power of the Pause

Bespoke coaching for women over 40

The Power of the Pause

Bespoke coaching for women over 40

Reimagine your life... And live it on your terms (4)

Meet with Katherine

Feeling frustrated with a body and mind that aren't working for you? In this 1:1 coaching call we’ll clarify the challenges in your way and how to resolve them so you can live the life you love. Meet with Katherine (2)

Get Support, Take Action

Coach with Katherine for 6 months. How do you eat well, exercise, get good sleep and manage stress, when emotions, energy, hormones and stress levels are all over the map? With expert guidance designed for your lifestyle and goals, and compassionate accountability. (3)

Live the Life YOU Choose

Get used to being in a body at ease, thinking with a clear and focused brain, enjoying moods that are a reflection of a balanced body, mind and spirit. It only gets better from here.
